The Boy from Virginia Starts Over

Final two weeks of July 2012

My impromptu, yet necessary trip to New York had been more than successful and I came home with both dread and anticipation in my heart. Dread because I’d have to figure out how to navigate being in a house where negative energy had become a tenant, yet I brimmed with anticipation because I would soon be away from the familial shenanigans. It also helped that I had a gig that would help make the time go smoother as an extra on adocu-drama about the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.

Me as an "uncredited" Union Soldier in Killing Lincoln

Me as an “uncredited” Union Soldier in Killing Lincoln

During that small job, however, I said a tiny prayer to myself:

“Dear God, I ask to never play another slave or underprivileged antebellum man again. We both know there are more stories to tell that are more interesting than being on the periphery of someone else’s history. Please and thank you!”


            Once that gig was finished, and once I’d handled all of my paperwork for my job, it was time to hop another bus to the Big Apple. My only regret was leaving on my mother’s birthday. Having not been in the country to celebrate it for the previous 3 years, I’d wanted to at least plan a huge outing or give her a  huge gift, but her celebration money soon turned into moving money and next thing I knew, I was saying “I love you and I’ll call you when I arrive at my new place.”

            Nine hours later, I arrived back at the Port Authority (a station that was becoming more and more familiar to me) with larger luggage, a backpack, my smaller wheelie luggage…and no one to meet me upon arrival. One of my new (temporary) roommates has texted me the information I would need to find the place in Bronx, and lucky for me, I had my map app on my iPhone, but I was still hoping that someone could assist me with my luggage. The last thing I wanted was to let go of my bags for a second and have them snatched away from me as quickly as I let them go. Little did I know, I had nothing to be afraid of, except blocking the doors of the “2” train, which I couldn’t help given the size of my luggage and my not wanting to over exert myself in the sweltering heat.

            I enjoyed what little dribble of A/C the train decided to distribute and ended up at Intervale Avenue. It was when I departed the train that I realized there were no elevators here…and the escalator was broken, and that I was way too dressed up for what looked like “the hood.” (No lie, I was in dress pants, a button down shirt, dress shoes, and, if I recall, a tailored button down vest) ‘I guess I won’t be fitting in today’, I thought to myself. After a deep breath –and a prayer- I dragged myself and my luggage down the stairs and huffed and puffed…about three blocks…in the wrong direction. It didn’t take me long to call my new roommate and ask her to meet me (something I felt she should’ve done, anyway. But hey, I was in New York, from here on out, I wasn’t expecting any hand-outs or any manners).

            A girl with a Texas accent greeted me and though I couldn’t get an immediate read on her, I knew we’d get along as she led me in the right direction to the apartment and to the room which I’d sublet for the next month. I spent the evening trying to get acquainted with the local bodega (which closed a bit too early for my own liking) and then I slept as work began the next day.

Sunset view from Intervale Avenue station

Sunset view from Intervale Avenue station


August 2012     

            For the month of August, I would accept whatever hours were given to me as well as take other shifts if no one else wanted them. I just wanted to keep busy and re-learn the art of selling soap and lotion (among other things). Coming back to a job you thought you knew well can be daunting. I constantly found myself knowing that I was capable of doing a fantastic job, but feeling like I wasn’t quite up to par, given the differences between working for the company in the US versus the UK. All I could do was compare what I’d done overseas to what I was doing on home soil. Still, I’m a hard worker and I wanted to make sure I could actually do my personal best, regardless. If I can recall, I believed I worked 8 days straight with no complaints, just a strong desire to make money and refocus myself.

            It had been the end of a week of long shifts, acclimating myself to Manhattan, failed attempts at apartment/ roommate searches, and to top it all off, I’d discovered some news that made the ground tremor. It had come to my attention after my final shift of the week, that back in Virginia, I had been disowned as a family member. Actually, being disowned would have been a privilege. I was told that I did not exist. A source close to me informed me than an uncle on my father’s side claimed that he didn’t know my mother had any children, though he’d met me on multiple occasions when I was young. What baffled me wasn’t the fact that he could say this with conviction. I wondered how he could’ve brought himself to deny that I was alive because I’m sure it’s not something he came up with on his own.

Then it hit me.

The only way that anyone could jump on board with saying that I didn’t exist was if the seed was planted by another source: a familial source that could’ve been angry with me. That source had to have been my father, who I’d not spoken to since before returning to the United States. It only made sense considering he was none too pleased when he learned I had arrived back in the states and hadn’t contacted him. (That was due to his lack of help when I needed him most back in January 2012 when I was basically being detained in Britain and had exhausted all of my funds trying my best to return home.) If, indeed, he had disowned me, and succeeded in having others jump on board with this foolishness in which he would deny his own progeny, then I guess I’d have to follow suit and continue not existing in his world.

I tried to be nonchalant about the statement, but it vexed me. I thought to myself ‘Wait a minute. People who I’ve known, but may not have dealt with much, are saying that they do not acknowledge me as my father’s son? Better yet, they state that they, indeed, know who my mother is, but are convinced that I’ve not existed over these past 27 years? I’m HERE! And I’m sure those people I interacted with have the factual knowledge of my being a product of my mother and father’s love.’

Obviously love wasn’t enough. It wasn’t enough to keep my parents together and it wasn’t enough for me to “exist” after all these years.

The news shouldn’t have been as heartbreaking as it was, but I couldn’t help but feel jilted by this man I used to champion for his charm, joie de vivre and genuine loving nature. Who knew he would grow to become so dilapidated in his mindset and disdain for me; his blood, who has only done his absolute best to do right in this world?  In the aftermath of that news, I was beyond disappointed in this man who, at that point, would hold no weight with me beyond the circumference of where he grew up.

I’d have to ask God for healing, to grant me the power to forgive, and to push me to be greater. I promised myself not to subscribe to poor examples of leadership. Then I thanked God for the many powerful men that had been placed into my life; some older than me, but the majority of men were my age, who I’d met in high school, college, and overseas. If you can’t emulate your father, the only solution is to emulate the Holy Father you see in the spirit of others. Thank God, I’m blessed with many fine examples of men who love, uplift, and inspire and who acknowledge my existence.

Patriarchal tangents aside…

On my days off, I had to reward myself with things that would make me feel like a competent human being. On one day off, I linked up with a friend from high school and we managed to go see Valerie Simpson perform live under the stars. Nothing like a bit of old school to make one appreciate the good things in life.



On another day, I swapped shifts with a young lady at work so that I could go meet Brandy Norwood (my absolute favorite vocalist) in person at BET’s 106th and Park. Despite feeling like I was way too old to sit in the audience of that show, I was happy I waited in line for 2 hours with the 18-24 year old fans (called STARZ), to see an artist who I respected and admired for her never-ending desire to be what God made her: a supernova of positive energy and light. The highlight of that experience was getting the chance to see Brandy debut her first video in years, “Put It Down,” and having her push a fan aside so that she could hug me. I’d hurriedly yelled to her that I traveled all the way from Virginia to see her (this is a true story) and she left the person she was with and gave me the hugest hug saying “Thank you so much for coming. I appreciate you so much.” If I ever get fans in this lifetime, I’ll have to keep in mind that appreciating them at all times is how you keep them.

 On other days off, however, when I was frustrated with myself for thinking that I wasn’t good job at my new job (or led to believe so by some in the all-female environs I was in), I found another activity to bring me peace: Walking.

            I’d had bad day at work and it was the customers who were giving me a hard time. But I was so incensed at feeling like I was perpetually doing something wrong that once I left work, I couldn’t go home. So I commenced walking downtown. As the numbers on the New York streets decreased, my heart sank below my ribs, past my abdominal organs and sauntered in tandem with my trudging feet…until I trampled upon a smidgen of joy: The Donut Plant in Chelsea. I thought to myself, ‘The people in this section of town probably don’t even eat donuts. Probably trying to watch their figures. Well, fuck them; they aren’t in need of gourmet salvation as much as I am.’ Uncharacteristically, I didn’t indulge in my donuts immediately. Instead, I allowed myself to be lead to the Chelsea Piers, which would soon become my favorite place in the city. It was where I  eventually devoured my donuts. It was, also, where I found the most peace. IMG_1115

            Open water. Something about it soothes the shit out of my soul. Can’t swim a lick, but boy-oh-boy, I can listen to lapping, waving water for hours. I imagine that it’s God having a conversation with only me. Once the conversation is over, I imagine mermaids reassuring my existence with their serene smiles…and then I envision an asshole of a prankster pushing me into the water and me drowning. This drowning is further aided by the appearance of an octopus which suction cups me to death and drags me deep into the ocean-y abyss. (Yes, that is how quickly my spiritually enlightening situation turned ridiculous because my imagination ran wild.IMG_1118Once I pulled myself out of Imagination Land, however (looking around suspiciously to make sure no one was trying anything sneaky), I walked back into my New York life, from Christopher Street to 72nd Street. From there, I took the “2” back to Intervale Avenue.

            The final two weeks of August I decided to be more proactive in my apartment search as my month of subletting was rapidly coming to an end. Looking for housing in New York has to be one of the most frustrating, strenuous, and unsatisfying acts in the world. Things started well. I’d found two potential roommates online via one of those “We’re artists and we’re looking for roommate/sub letters” groups on Facebook. Everything started fine. We all got along, and we were looking for various apartments in various places together. We were mainly looking to stay Uptown, and in or near Harlem. We saw a perfect apartment, but at day’s end, the price range was completely astronomical for our artistic budgets. Also, there was the little thing about guarantors, and filling out an application that was longer than a work application. “Tedious” isn’t a good enough descriptor for what we went through.

Eventually, one roommate decided he’d want to live in a different environment while the other lucked up and had her leased renewed for the same low price she’d been paying…and I was left with no one to live with. I had no leads on affordable places to stay and about 5 days left before my sublet was up. Had I been given a false sense of security about my circumstances? Was I truly working hard enough to survive in this city? Where was my focus? How had I allowed myself to get to this point with no safety net whatsoever? Was my beginners luck coming to an end? By the final day of September, my clothes were packed and in the living room of the sublet, but I hadn’t moved out because I still had no other alternatives…and that was after seeing roughly fifteen different options and almost being scammed by one Craigslist posting. Things were not looking good…

Waiting on the train...

Waiting on the train…

The Boy from Virginia Expresses Support

I stopped praying the day after my cousin, Carlos, was buried. It’s not that I stopped believing in God, nor because I stopped believing in the power of prayer. To be honest, I can’t really give a specific reason as to why I’d stopped. Could it have been that for almost two weeks straight I’d been talking to Him non-stop? Maybe I felt like I’d been bothering God too much. Maybe I stopped praying because I couldn’t deal with the intensity of events that had occurred during those surreal two weeks. Maybe it was because I was so emotionally drained by the time that everything was over that my first thought was not to pray but, instead, to rest.

So I did. And have been resting ever since, it seems. Somehow during this “rest” period, I seem to be losing my motivation, my hopes, and my will to keep on a happy face when the air around me is so desolate and at times suffocating. I’m ready to breathe again. But what will it take for me to breathe more easily?

When I first returned to America on February 12th, I had so many dreams, goals, aspirations. I brought them across the Atlantic with me when I left London. I figured that the relative success I’d experienced over in the UK would accompany me through Customs and sit with me and my family at dinnertime. But I should’ve known that leaving London, I was leaving the future. (Literally…Brits live 5 hours in advance of those of us living on the East Coast). So after taking my journey into the past, it would become evident in the months to come, that focusing on my future would prove even more difficult. Here’s the crux of why:

In London, I created a family out of friends. They may not have been blood, but damn if they didn’t contribute to and help change my life. More or less they made my life more amazing. In Virginia, I have my family, and very little people I can call my friends…well…just a couple from my childhood. They haven’t been as privy to my life as (per se) my mother has been. Through hearsay, they’ve soaked in my triumphs…but I’m sure they’ve never heard of my failings. Then again…there was always one family member who knew what I was going through and made the effort to get to know me and accept my journey in this world. You see…it’s one thing to be proud of your family. It’s another to love them unconditionally and be present for their ups and downs. My cousin, Carlos did the latter…and it hurts me to my soul to no longer have him on this earth…It was just over month ago I was watching him in action, being the king that most men only wish they could be.

I can’t believe it was just over one month ago…

The fight, the commotion, the gunshots, my fear. Blood. Sirens. Tears. God, the tears. The montage would occur every single night for two week before allowing me a less chaotic sleep. And each night, I unashamedly made the ugly “trying-to-stop-your-tears-from-falling-out-your-eyes” face because I just couldn’t understand why this situation had to occur in the first place. In my life, I’ve only heard about confrontations that “spiraled out of control” as cliché as it all sounds. To witness such spiraling up close and personal is something I never want to experience ever again (and I know I’m not alone in that desire).

What I got to see, firsthand, was the aftermath of gun violence. This was not my first time losing a family member to gun violence. When I was eight, a cousin of mind was killed by a gun. He lived about three more days afterwards and then he died. I was too young to understand the circumstances or situation that lead up to his shooting, but I did understand that my cousin was gone for good.

From a young age I was exposed to death more than a kid should’ve been. That exposure showed me that life eventually ends, and the world keeps going. But then again…so does grief. At this point in my life, I’m certain that grief never dies.

Nor does shock.

I could be wrong, but I have a feeling that pure shock may’ve been the emotion that hit the surface first. I mean…how else does one respond to his first time of seeing someone draw a gun with clear intentions to shoot a person?

It was just an argument, initially; something that you might see on some VH1 reality show where females, who don’t know how to handle themselves with words, decide that each other’s faces would look better on each other’s knuckles. Well, once that skirmish turned into all out war at my Aunt and Uncle’s 30th wedding anniversary dinner, a deadly threat came out of nowhere. Fearing that the threat would become a promise, loads of us ended up outside. I, among many, pleaded for peace. Nearby a struggle to keep a hand down was lost and that same hand possessed the instrument which would spark fear into a group of people dressed in formal wear who were, only moments ago, celebrating a milestone of love. The hand holding the gun fired into the air.

PopPopPop. They sounded like fireworks, but there was no glittery cascade. Only the crescendo of screams. Then the scattering.

I remember vividly seeing the gun. And upon hearing the first shot, I turned away from what would be the scene of the crime because 1) I knew that if I stayed, I’d be in the line of fire. 2) my mother and her bestie were nearby and all I wanted to do was protect the two women I came to the function with. 3) If I were to be hit by a stray bullet, I at least wanted to make sure I knew my mother was alright. I kept thinking to myself (while I was running back into the venue shouting from the top of my lungs for people to “GET DOWN” and “GET BACK INSIDE THE BUILDING) ‘I don’t care if I die as long as my mom is alright.’ Who knew that nobility would be a quality both me and Carlos also shared.

Gunshots continued behind me, along with the screams and the clacking of heels and dress shoes, as I ran into the building, mother in tow. We were safe. But bullets can come through walls, so I tried to get as many people to go into the main dining room as possible. I became frazzled. What do I do next? How do I remain calm? Is anyone hurt? Tommy, stay calm. Has anyone called the police? Tommy, fucking calm down? I’m calling the police!

I turned around and saw one of my first cousins: the daughter of the bride and groom. And I’ll never ever forget hearing her say:

“I’ve been shot”

My mind went blank, but my body didn’t. I breathed and couldn’t believe I was seeing blood trickle doen her leg. When my synapses decided to work, I thought…she’s been shot in the leg. She’s alive.

“Someone get me a cloth or something to tie her leg up with. I need to stop the bleeding!!!” The voice was from a woman who had already started some first aid on my cousin.

I grabbed the first thing I could see: the ribbon from the back of one of the chairs in the venue. Another man donated the shirt off of his back. “I don’t need it,” he said.

I think I muttered the word “shit” so much that night that it became ineffective. I muttered it as I called the police. I muttered it as the phone rang. I segued into a quick interlude of “why the fuck am I on hold” when the police dispatch didn’t pick up. My refrain of “shit’s” picked up once more when I went outside and was informed that Carlos had been shot. All cursing ceased when I saw him lying motionless on the ground; his lovely wife with him, devastated. His parents, my Uncle and Aunt, torn up with emotion. No one thought that a night that had been dedicated to love and celebration would end with casualties and an arrest (Yes, the shooter was caught).

I could spend pages elaborating on the hospital visits and the doctor & surgeon updates…but I won’t. Each day was like being on a see-saw. Emotions went up, then dropped. Patience was tested. Tears came and went. Faith was strong. Sometimes…it was barely there. Life went on.

I filmed an episode of a TV show to days into the hospital period. In it, I played a young gang member who robbed people at gunpoint…and also shot people at point blank range. I’d played men who used guns before, but as an actor I could at least justify why the character felt the need to use one. In this series, I played a person who showed a blatant disregard for human life. A cold-blooded killer who saw nothing wrong in what he was doing.  I felt strange (absurd even) to be playing a killer, having witnessed two days prior what guns actually do to a human life; how a tiny metal bullet can cripple and utterly destroy internal organs, shortening the duration of time one has left on this Earth. Still, like a professional (who gives a flying fuck about professionalism at a moment like that?) I powered through, occasionally finding moments to smile.

I spent the hospital period thinking heavily about the myriad of people affected by my cousin. (Hell, they were showing up in hoards at the hospital.) My Aunt and Uncle were always on my mind. So were my other cousins, his siblings. I mean, his oldest sister understood his pain. She would eventually walk again, warrior that she is, but she understood. I next thought about his wife, the woman who I only heard about before returning to the states. And I thought about his son: his contribution to this world. And that’s when the pain hit hardest.

Let me tell you something. I may not believe in true love for myself, but I will say that my cousin chose wisely and very well. His wife is one of the most graceful queens I’ve seen walk on this earth. I knew from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet that he chose the love of his life so watching her deal with this situation really touched my spirit. And my little cousin, his son…to lose his father? I never understand it when God decides to take a parent away from his child. That more hurtful than anything.

Eventually, I would think about my mother’s relationship with him. It was a special one. He loved being around my mother and would visit sporadically and call all the time. He loved my mom and he stood in place for me when I couldn’t be there for my siblings. He was a mentor to my older brother and truth-teller to my sister. But what did he mean to me? Well…

My history with Carlos is both long and brief, it seems. I feel that during childhood, I only remember my cousin from important events: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Birthdays, family reunions, maybe a theme park trip? We weren’t necessarily the closest growing up….but who’s really to blame for that?

Then something happened. I went away to private school. And while my relationship with my oldest cousin (his older brother) began to decline, Carlos made himself more present. I would hear word -through my mother- that he was asking about me and wanting to check up on me. We eventually exchanged email addresses and phone numbers.

When I went to college, he came to Philly to see me perform. Not only that, he also hung out with me and got a chance to participate in my “actor’s life.” We had drinks. We chilled. He met the people in my life who made me happy: my college friends. I was merely happy to have a family member in my age range hang out with me and be privy to what my life what about. Yet, nothing tops him giving me a hand when I didn’t know where to turn.

I was in Scotland, and I’d just signed with my agent and I viewed my first and only flat in East London. I knew it was where I wanted to live, but I had to make a decision fast. Even before moving down, I was booking castings left and right and remaining in Scotland would’ve been counteractive if I didn’t act soon. But I would never have afforded my security deposit or rent on my retail salary. My mom gave Carlos a call and no questions asked…he helped invest in my future. I don’t even think that he knew how much he was contributing to my life experience by doing that. Indebted to him? Yes. I am. Forever.

“Cuz” he would say. “You are doing a good thing with your life and I’ma support it. Besides I know once you get big, you got me!” He would express his support for me all the time. Still, anybody can express support. My cousin showed it.

I was fortunate enough to support him on the very day I returned home from London, February 12th. That was the day of his wedding dinner. He married his lovely wife the next day. People who know me know that I’m in a conflicted place about love. I don’t truly believe it’s an exclusive emotion, but in m€y life, I am randomly shown that it does exist exclusively for some people. Additionally, when love is genuine and it truly works, it shines. Both Carlos and his wife lit up a room when they entered together. Their union was one of the most perfect matches I’ve seen in a long time and to top things off, they have a wonderful son. I was very proud of my cousin for having it all and for handling his duties as a husband, father, brother, cousin, and friend.

The moment in which I was most proud of my cousin happened about 30 minutes before the chaos that ensued. We were on the dance floor at the wedding anniversary, me trying my best to dance but not sweat out my rented tuxedo. A younger cousin of ours was also on the dance floor and my cousin spoke to her in front of me. A sort of apology was occurring, it seemed. Some misunderstanding had occurred and my two cousins were making amends. But one of his statements to her was “You are too good for him. You are too much of a Queen for me to allow anyone else to treat you like that. You gotta know that about yourself. I don’t want nobody treating you less than the Queen you are.”

And just like that…my heart was warm and I knew that Carlos and I were of similar ilk. What a poignant thing to say to a young woman who needed to hear it. To be honest, what woman doesn’t need positive encouragement from someone who believes in her? That was the last time I had the privilege of seeing his light shine so brightly. But his final act of leaping in front of a bullet to save a life was when his light was at its most brilliant. The Warrior I had come to know had become a Hero. Just like that.

My thanks and gratitude should be extended to every single person who showed support during that time. My family wasn’t aware that I had the world praying for my cousin, but I did. What was most endearing was the outpour of love from friends near and far, strangers, and even Twitter/ Instagram randoms (yes, I asked for prayers wherever I could get them). Still, though the power of prayer was both electric and palpable, it didn’t have the energy to keep my cousin alive. I. however,  have never been so proud of the love and humanity shown by others. I have been fortunate enough in my life to experience the kindness of strangers. My hope was that that kindness would extend itself to others who also deserved it. Luckily, I’ve not burned too many bridges in my life. I think that’s a quality I shared with my cousin, whose death has left a bit of an empty space in me.

But I’m being selfish.

I didn’t lose a son. I didn’t lose the love of my life. I didn’t lose a father, or a mentor. I lost my cousin. So why do I grieve? I lost one of the few family members to have ever been privy to the artistic side of my life. To have been privy to what made me happy in this world: my dream. I lost a family-friend, someone that I do feel is truly difficult to find. And I feel selfish for speaking about how much he meant to me when he was clearly many things to numerous people.  Those who know me know that among the things I value most in this world are my friends and family. When you are my friend, my loyalty to you is unmatched. I’m sure it was the same with Carlos. Also, Carlos was a young black male who actually loved me. Not saying that other male members of my family don’t, but I can honestly say that I felt it from him. That makes a difference to me. In a world where people do not tell each other how much they mean to them, I had a cousin who always let me know “ I love you, Cuz” and “Whatever you wanna do, I’m with it. Just let me know so I can support you.”

Nothing can prepare you for the loss of a loved one. No matter how many losses you may have experienced beforehand. Each death is the end of a specific chapter. And it’s an ending that it completely out of our hands. But whatever lesson it is I’m supposed to learn from this situation…I just don’t know. All deaths make people want to love more. I try to do that every day. But it is hard to accept that an innocent life was snatched from this world. Not a day will go by that my family and I won’t yearn to see Carlos once again. He’s left bit of himself behind, though. Through his son, he lives on. Through pictures, he lives on. Through memories, he lives on!

I have a confession, before I close this entry: I’ve not deleted his phone number from my iPhone, nor his final text messages. We discussed his son and how inspiring his innocence was to us as adults. We discussed plans for a summer trip to Busch Gardens. I told him I’d just booked the lead in an episode of a crime-drama show called Wicked Attraction.  His final reply to me was “ I’m proud of you cuz.”

To a Hero (and now Angel), I say, as I’ve said many times before: “Thank You, Cuz. I’m proud of your entire life.”

Your birthday was one month ago today. You would be 26. We all miss you down here…and like I’ve said before, Carlo, I’ll never ever forget the King you are. Love you, Cuz!


The Boy Virginia Made Breaks the Silence

I was hoping that I would never have to write a blog like this. Ever. I never wanted the information that I’m about to share to come to light in this way or at all even, but it seems like pent up anger inspires me to articulate my feelings in a more controlled fashion. If you are not in the mood to embrace reality today, CLOSE THIS ENTRY NOW. It would be of no benefit to anyone if you decided to read this and give up halfway through because it changes your mood.

My purpose with this blog: to attack ignorance, to inform that all actions have a consequence, and to encourage discussions about tolerance. Otherwise, this world’s future is in danger. Now, where do I begin…I guess it all starts with a sweater and ends in abuse…

September 3rd, early morning (between 2:00am and 3:45 am)

The whole day had been filled with anticipation. It was the day when I would go clubbing with my best mates; people who, in this huge city, would take the time out to acknowledge my existence in a genuine way. We’d been planning since Monday that we would finally get together (after not hanging out as a group for over 4 months). I decided that I would do something different with my clothes. There was a pink sweater in my closet that I had only worn three times that I could remember. Once was during my Master’s Program, the other was when I saw Cat on a Hot Tin Roof in London, and the final time was earlier this February when I went clubbing. The sweater was always complimented by others as they thought it made my skin look good so I figured what the hell, I’ll wear it. And as a recent wearer of shorts (I’d boycotted them for years)I decided to bare my calves to the world. To top things off, I threw on my signature hat, which all my friends, family, and admirers love. My firm belief: If you are wearing something you really like, you’ll feel good about yourself. And for the bulk of my evening, I did!

My night was filled with loads of spontaneity (which I actually did attribute to the sweater and my mood) I caught up with someone who gave me my pink slip (in the romantic department), bumped into an old colleague from my former job, had dinner, and finally, after meeting ¾ of my friends in central London, we decided to head out to the club.

I’d managed to sweat through my sweater and hat by night’s end. My friends had managed to find other ways to entertain themselves as one got treated to drinks and the other got a treat to take home. I, feeling a bit worse for wear -and a bit down even- decided to take a stroll to the only restaurant I know that stays open late on the weekends: Balans in Soho. First thing on my mind: ‘It’s been over a year since I’ve eaten their blueberry pancakes and they were the bomb!’ So off I went, legs against the breeze, to eat where the food was delicious and the service was…camp.

It was 2:52 am that I realized, over my maple syrup-saturated pancakes, that the couple in the booth next to me was on a date. Here I was, sadly scarfing down breakfast and washing down the memories of my evening with milk. I thought to myself ‘Just like my favorite fictional literary character, I will never win at love.’ (Sometimes, I love a pity party, I must say.)

“What has you so down?” My waiter had crashed my party without an invitation.

“Oh, nothing” I sigh forlornly, wiping my mouth as to cover the dribble of syrup that’s oozed down my lip. I explain that my mates have gone their separate ways for the evening. I somehow end by saying, “But my friends are great looking. Of course they are going to have post-club fun.”

“And what are you?”

I think, making sure to squint my eyes a bit to make the pondering look more effortful. “Normal. Nothing spectacular,” I offer with just the right tone of humble blasé-ness. The waiter leaves. I cut my pancakes and prepare for another blueberry-filled bite when in comes a foursome of friends. My iPod Touch tells me that it’s after 3am, and I’m very concerned with the amount of energy one-half of the couple is exuding.

“Oh my God!!! This is crazy. We met right here in this booth!” squeals the enthusiastic party. I roll my eyes and chomp my pancakes to bits, hoping quietly that the rest of my meal won’t involve their shenanigans. For the next 15 minutes, I’m treated to watching the couple make-out in front of me. Their friends constantly reprimand them for being “all over one another.”

“I’m an Aries! He’s a Taurus!” the other half shares. That ain’t gonna last long, I think. But then I remember…they met in that booth, God knows how long ago, and it’s still lasting. I just wonder if that initial meeting was filled with as much tonsil hockey as it is now…

A thought suddenly enters my head: Maybe I’m on the wrong mission. Could it be that I’m going about life in the wrong way? What if my calling isn’t art? While I begin to get all existential on myself, the couple across from me begins to devour each other and I know at once, that kind of love definitely ain’t what I’m looking for. I’d rather ravenously devour the things I love at home out of public view (call me old-fashioned). My mission is clear: go home.

I take my hat, which is cold and damp because of my dance-sweat, pay my bill, and leave the restaurant. Onwards and Upwards, I think, though I know good and well this is a mantra that would take some convincing. One thing was for sure, I would not be taking myself out to eat at 2:45 in the morning again…

I crossed Shaftesbury Avenue to do my usual journey through Chinatown to catch my bus.

Before it even happened, I sensed the ominous air. There’s nothing like a good old dose of harassment to put you back on your guard after a successful evening on the town. I immediately felt a twinge of fear (let’s be real, the London riots were not that long ago) and as someone walking alone, I felt that the slightest retaliation could cause me to end up stabbed on the street. In my mind, I told myself “keep quiet, don’t say anything, avoid eye contact, keep it moving.” The hope was that I would blur right by the group, compiled of ten to fifteen black men in hoodies (and whatever else current urban fashion suggests), with as minimal contact as possible.

My legs were feeling the cold as I zoomed by but my heart raced faster than my feet as one of the thugs screamed out to me, “Ay! Ay!”

Oh, shit, I think. He’s talking to me.

“You gay?”

My arms were folded, and I was walking with purpose. I hoped they couldn’t see my shivering. Granted, it was cold, but I didn’t want them mistaking it for fear.

“You gay innit?” His mates sniggered. Some mumbled insults that I couldn’t hear, but they slowed their speed expecting a response. I looked up at them, kept my eyes neutral, and looked back down at the ground thinking ‘Fuck!’ and hoping to God that this would be the end of it. I was still blurring by.

“You gay!” It wasn’t said as if it were a question anymore. That upward inflection had disappeared. This sentence was declarative. Fact. He was labeling me. I kinda rather have been stabbed.

“Yeah. You gay.” His confirmation statement.  More laughter. “…And you need to take that hat back to the shop!” Roaring laughter this time.

Not only had they felt the need to question my sexuality (based on what, I still have yet to discover) but they insulted my favorite hat, the hooligans!

If I were in a sitcom, there would’ve been a close up on my face as my mouth dropped open in genuine surprise at the comment, and I’d have touched my hat as if petting it to give it comfort from the mean insult. Instead, my face was terse and my head was hurting. My stomach was in knots and I’m sure it had fuck-all to do with the pancakes. Instead, the pancakes were to blame. All I could think was ‘Fuck me for wanting blueberry-fucking-pancakes at 2:45 in the fucking morning. If I hadn’t…’

But was the problem pancakes? Was it me? Was it my pink shirt? Was it my demeanor? Was it the gang of hyper-masculine dudes? Why me? Would it have been someone else if they’d chosen to walk down that street in Chinatown? But what was hurting me the most was that people who looked like me (young, black, probably intelligent men) felt I was so different than them that they needed to call me out. They (all ten to fifteen of them) needed to feel what? Better than me? More manly than me? Stronger than me? No matter how you put it, bullying/harassment is not a tool for making people feel better about themselves. It is the result of a very intolerant mindset. But my belief is that no one should have to stand for intolerance at all.

I deserve respect, not juvenile taunts from a group of cowards who felt the need to prove their masculinity. I mean, for fucks sake, all I was doing was walking down the street, wearing a sweater and a pair of shorts and a hat! My arms were folded because I was cold, and while I was thinking “these shorts are no good against this London cold,” these hoodlums were thinking….well…they weren’t!  That’s apparent. Why couldn’t I walk down the street without being left alone? Am I not allowed that luxury? Instead, these men would chortle away at themselves and their awful deed and I was to be left with the burden of mixed emotions.

Ever felt angry, powerless, sad, and guilty all at once? I have. I was angry because I said nothing. I know that saying nothing prevented me from the threat of unnecessary violence, but I felt like I committed a crime by doing nothing. I mean, this is the second time in the UK where I’ve encountered some sort of harassment (most people remember me being called the N-word in Scotland last year). For some strange reason, I thought -for a second time- that because I was in London, that I would be exempt from such behavior. (I mean, London is considered a cultural Mecca!) It is also the second time I said nothing. Last year however, I sort of laughed off the situation. Maybe because racism for me has been less frequent in my life. This Chinatown type of situation, however, has reared its monstrous head on more than one occasion with me over the course of my entire life.

I can recall so many instances in my life where I’ve been taunted/ teased/ disrespected whatever you call it. Funny enough, my effeminacy as a younger kid was to blame, I guess. I am willing to admit that flamboyant wasn’t accurate enough to describe me. I was constantly being told that I “acted like a girl.” And the moment it was said, something was sucked out of me and I went into fits of momentary depression, where I’d spend about 2 hours thinking, how can I change this or that about myself. I have a swish when I walk. Oh, no! Change it! I talk like a girl. Stop! Change it!  In other words, when my “otherness” was pointed out to me by others, I decided that “me” was the wrong way to be. When I look back on how many times I’ve had to adjust myself, I think, ‘who in the hell am I, now?’

I think I’m the man I wanted to be when I was younger. I’m definitely living a life that will not be lead by anyone else. Happy and sad moments aside, I’m living the life I worked hard for. But I can’t help but think…the only reason I work so hard is to overcompensate for the fact that the way I’m perceived (as far as my assumed sexual orientation-something undefined-) is considered my biggest flaw.

When I had to make “adjustments” to my behavior as a child (as to not embarrass or bring shame to my parents/family, or to gain friends in elementary/ middle school, or to deflect conversation away from me in college), I overcompensated by reading loads, immersing myself in schoolwork, watching loads of television, and finding a story in every single thing I saw. The Arts was my ultimate escape (and I guess the reason I’m an actor has something to do with this).

I also became very observant. I watched women work hard to keep their grace while being single mothers. I also learned how they felt about the world they were living in and how everyday, they lived with a bit of caution as they walked down the street, drove a car past a certain hour, or fell in love. I grew up around these vulnerable, yet strong women who educated me from their perspective.  I watched the way men talked to one another, about women, and about topics in their lives. I watched my father, my uncles, and other men who came and went in my life and I found them ALL disappointing in some way. Adultuerous, dilinquent, disrespectful towards women (because society told them they could/should be), materialistic, unreliable. I vowed to never be like them, but I also told myself that whatever masculinity they had, I needed to get as their version of masculinity meant survival. Survival to me meant less teasing and harassment by others. But these men didn’t teach me. Therefore I had to learn, over many years, to find a masculinity that was acceptable, yet didn’t compromise my spirit. Still, there was the little fact that my behavior was rooted in “otherness.” So…when I would slip (as I guess I did by wearing my pink sweater on Friday evening), I would get brought back into the harshness of this world by having someone try and ostracize me, usually publicly.

What I have failed to speak about thus far is the fact that the bulk of my shunning has come from members of the black community. Let’s be honest, ALL of it has come from the Black American community. If any of it has come from the white community, I have yet to hear about it, or I laugh it off (as I, personally, do not measure myself to the same standards as white Americans. White commentary is usually to do with the question surrounding my “mysteriousness”). Therefore it pisses me off to no end that the people I work so hard to make proud, the people who I hope I’m helping by living a very non-stereotypical life, the people who I grew up trying to help out in as many ways as possible, will never ever be proud of me because of how they see me in one word.

This fact keeps me working diligently, but it also makes me feel that my work is in vain.

You see, for those of you out there who can’t seem to understand why I should care that anyone is trying to label me, you do not understand that the issue IS “being labeled.”  The argument is that labels makes people feel comfortable, but I think that someone stamping you with a seal of their approval is nothing but a declaration of power. It is someone saying, I know who you are already, and I didn’t need to get to know you. At all.

I have never understood the psychology behind being so preoccupied with someone’s “otherness” to the degree that you need to harass or taunt them about it. What I do understand is that this awful behavior begins at a young age. I believe that many parents, especially very ill-informed, intolerant, ignorant parent do not discourage their children from bullying others. In their heads they go “That’s wrong” and reprimand their child only because society tells them that that’s what they should do as parents. Yet, they don’t tell their kids about the consequences of their actions; how another child (the victim of the harassment), no matter how strong he appears on the outside, will go home one day and hang himself because his peers at school never accepted him. Or he feared his that his family would never look at him the same. Or he feared he’d never be able to move further in his life without being labeled first, and then taken seriously later. I’m generalizing a bit, but I can say this…when you are constantly teased, every single instance remains etched in the front of your mind for an eternity. You never forget the rudeness, the harshness of tone, the disdain, or even the disgust that hateful words can bring. Here’s my proof:

History of Harassment:

Age 5 (one of the youngest memories I can recall): I could scream in a high pitched voice. I did so a lot if I got excited or was playing outside. I remember before church one Sunday I’d screamed high pitched one too many times for my mother to handle. Her words to me: “Do you want me to put you in a dress? Because only girls scream like that. I can put you in a dress if that’s what you want!”  Lesson learned: a lower voice makes you a man and keeps you out of dresses.

Between 5 and 11 all the taunts were the same from boys and girls alike. “He acts like a girl, talks like a girl, ugh! This statement was normally followed by laughter. Lesson learned: something about me was “not quite right.”

Age 11: I depart the after-school bus on an autumn day. I’d just gotten a new outfit and I was happy about it because it was red and I thought red was cool. The walk home normally takes 10 minutes from the bus stop and as the bus pulls off, I notice a car driving towards me. The car drives scarily close to me.

The teenage boys inside laugh, “Faggot ass!” The car zooms away, carrying their laughter with it. I say nothing. I keep it moving. Until I look up and see that the same car has circled the block and is heading directly for me. I run up on the sidewalk and the car follows me onto the sidewalk. I realize that this car is about to hit me. Or either they are trying to scare me…

They swerve away, laughing as if BET’s Comic View was playing live on their radio. The 4 of them in the car are screaming insults at me, but I am in tears. I wait for the car to round the corner and then I bolt home just in case they decide to circle the block for a third time. It took me 5 minutes to get home that day.

I tell my mother that I think a gang tried to hit me with their car because I was wearing their color: red. It was a lie. Lesson Learned: Lying can come in handy, sometimes.

Age 12: I’d gotten into a fight with my best friend over a girl who once ‘went out’ (if you can call it that at 12) with me and then him. She found out he was cheating and somehow, I was blamed as the one who’d told of his adolescent infidelity, when I clearly had no clue. The day after the fight, all of his friends, who were also mine spent an entire school bus ride sitting within earshot of me. “Oh you know that gay ass n*gga right there? Don’t talk to him. Faggots always be trying to fuck up your life”

I was talked about from the start of homeroom -as my once-upon-a-time friends ridiculed me- until I was able to sit down at my desk. That encounter made me so depressed that I sought counseling with a very important woman, who eventually introduced me to an option that would free me of my closed-minded community: private school. If I could escape my community, I could escape feeling like shit every day. Lesson learned: Being smart could take away the pain, or at least help you run away from it.

Somewhere between 12 and 14: I recall going to my godmother’s house. At some point, talks of careers came up, to which I remember saying I wanted to be a model. “They make lots of money and all they have to do is take pictures.” The smile on my face was huge. While I was being encouraged by my god-mother…my mother threw in her commentary.

“Models ain’t nothing but faggots. Why you wanna be that?” I didn’t understand where that comment came from, but the harshness was there. Even if it was meant as a joke, it was a sick one that put a knot in my stomach. Uncomfortable laughter from the outskirts. The smile I had faded into oblivion. I felt like I’d been hit with a ton of brick and could say nothing back to the tyrant who’d birthed me. Humiliated isn’t an accurate enough word to describe how I felt. Lesson Learned: Model behavior was not to be coveted.

Age 14: During a Spring Break from high school, I’d gone home to visit a childhood friend. I discovered that my friend was friends with someone I considered my worst enemy: a short, twerp who hated every single thing about me, yet always needed my help when it came to academics. I saw him and retreated into the living room with the adults. I did not elect to play Playstation or hang out with the guy who represented what I hated most about middle school. My mother went to speak to my friend at some point, and when she came back, she had a look of calm on her face, but her eyes masked anger.

On the trip home, we have a conversation:

“That boy. He’s the one you don’t like right?”


“Is it because…he think you gay?”


“I heard him say it to your friend. I heard him call you ‘the gay boy.’” My mother’s tone was so calm. So comforting even. She sounded more hurt than me. Actually, she sounded as if she’d been the abused one, which proved to me that the slurs weren’t always directed towards me. Some of them were an attack on her as well.

“I don’t want to talk about it. I hate him.”

In my mind, I forgave my mother’s outlandish commentary from before because I felt, for once, she could see the harassment I was going through. We drove home with minimal conversation and pretended the incident never happened. Lesson learned: No matter how old you get, people still remember you as they think you were.

High school: I began to wonder whether or not what people had said about me was true or not…because up until then, I didn’t even know. Until I thought of killing myself during March of my freshman year of high school. A terrible winter season coupled with the loss of friends, made me consider ending my life. But one friend, who possessed a different type of “otherness,” saved my life and is now like a sister to me. There was also a teacher who gave me sagely advice. “All fiction begins in a wound.” I began to find ways of writing about my life and articulating my thoughts. I was finding my legitimate voice and possibly my manhood.

On the issue of harassment, despite one major incident of racism (I was called a “nigger” and a “black coon” on a voice message to my room), I escaped high school without one (direct) comment about my previously criticized “otherness.” I felt like I’d found me.

College: The bulk of my career is eclipsed by a rumor that I am inappropriately linked to my best friend. I have to live for four years with people thinking falsely about me and my relationship with peers. I have to actively distance myself away from certain male friends of mine, as being close to them would damage their reputation. Other incidents occur similar to the one below:

On a random night in Philadelphia, I’m finishing clubbing at the Walnut Room and the woman with me is hit on by some nondescript Philly man in an oversized t-shirt and baggy pants. She links her arm around mine.

“Yo, ma. Let me holla at you for a sec.”

“No thank you. I have everything I need right here.” She pats my shoulder, tenderly.

He looks at me disapprovingly. Up and then down. “You sure, ma? Your man here look a bit like a faggot. I know I can do much more for you.”

That good old dejectedness made a return. And while this sweet young lady on my arm went on to try and defend me (why she felt the need to, I’m not sure), all I could think about was going home and making myself more manly. But at this point in my life, was changing myself something I should actively try and do anymore? I was a man, but somehow, the type of man I’d become was not enough. Lesson learned: I am an obstacle of some sort…or I represent something that warrants a challenge/attack.

Have I brought these situations upon myself?


I have sat and wondered why am I writing this blog? I’m wondering “why now?” when the intolerant comments and bullying have gone on for 20+ years. I’ve analyzed my life so many times that it doesn’t take me long to figure out the answer to that question: Silence. In every single instance that I have been verbally attacked, or called out, I have said nothing. Nothing! Instead, I’ve retreated into myself. Yes, silence has been self-preserving, but as an active means of bringing change, silence has been destructive. The true lesson I’d learned in my life was how to counteract all the negative things said about me by being extraordinary and phenomenal. You see, I have a fighter’s spirit. I get that from my mother, the same woman whose toughness on me made me the man I am today. I get it from the friends with whom I have surrounded myself; who have loved me as much as my own family. I get it from being granted the privilege of waking up and experiencing everyday differently than the one before.

My story is not an exclusive one (which may have been one of the underlying purposes in writing it). What is exclusive, however, is my outcome: who/ how I am today. I always knew that I was worth more than the value of a single, restrictive word. Unfortunately, there are people out there (adolescents mostly) who are constantly victimized by the peers. These young men/ women feel that how they are described by their peers equals who they are and will always be. These are the people who are still searching for their personal strength to live on despite abundant ignorance and hatred. I know how they feel because I used to be one of them.

There was a point, not too long ago in my life where I would’ve preferred being called the N-Word as opposed to something regarding sexuality. My logic was that who I am automatically contradicts the nature of that word and that since it’s rooted in racism, I could easily prove to people that I am not solely my race. I have a myriad of other hats I wear as a human being on this Earth. But when it comes to labels in general, I feel that no one should have the right to place a label on me just to make themselves comfortable with me. I am simply Tommy. Period. Yet, when I am labeled, and there is a perceived negative connotation attached to said label, I mostly feel like I’m combating disgust. It’s a tone I can hear beneath the taunts and the harassment, and that tone unsettles me.

What unnerves me more is the fact that there might be someone out there experiencing the exact same pain as me, and may not be strong enough to stand firm in who they are. They are the ones who feel that ending their lives is a better solution than having to live in a world full of hatred and repulsion. While there is a campaign out there convincing ostracized children that it will get better, the feeling isn’t immediate. A goal should be to tell people that it will get better with time, education, and active change. Who will be in charge of making that change?

I urge parents to start the education at home. For those in the black community, we have to stop punishing “different people” with vicious words. Yes, we all have opinions, but my thought is that bashing is the same whether it’s with words or with fists. The effect caused is still pain. Instead of only teaching things like “Black is beautiful”, teach that differences are beautiful as well. In my life, I have learned more from someone who was unlike me than from someone who was too much like me. We keep ourselves boxed within these narrow horizons when we have the capacity to broaden them. We blame or get jealous of others who have declared their individuality within society. We envy their eclectic tastes in music, style, and culture, yet none of us go out of our way to develop our own selves in a similar manner. There is a huge difference between being in a community and existing as a part of a collective. The world is the collective whole. Our goal should be to find our place in this world, but to never alienate and ostracize those who are still finding theirs. Encouraging people who pursue a different life path than what is “normal” should be the norm. Unfortunately, we have a long way to go on that front when our mentality is so deeply rooted in fear, confusion, and ignorance.

Still, I get so fed up trying to counteract the mindset of narrow thinkers in the black community. Instead, I choose to be a living example of perseverance, tenacity, and success. At the end of the day, I’m surviving, right? I’ve acquired a terrific education up through the Master’s level. I’ve lived away from home since the age of 14 and I’ve even crossed an ocean to discover more about the world and myself. In my family, I’m a pioneer. Doesn’t that make me as much of a man as any?

Today, I think about my early Saturday morning encounter with more clarity. One small incident in my present day dredged up so many instances in my past. My link between them all was equal parts anger and silence. When anger boils does it turn into steam? Mine turns into words.

Words as we all know, have unforeseeable powers. Therefore the words I’ve decided to publish are my way of regaining the power I’ve lost to others. By allowing people to define me on their terms, I have relinquished my voice. But not anymore. The blogs I write are mostly for the purpose of examining my life and where/ how I fit into this world. At the end of the day, my experiences, my emotions, my thoughts are quintessentially human. So with the words that you have read, I hope I’ve made you privy to the “me” who didn’t believe his voice was necessary; the me whose silence was a cold sanctuary from bravery; the me who felt powerless. With these words, I stand firm in my humanity and my determination to bring forth light from the darkest abyss. Can a man try and change the world? Well I am a (Hu) Man, and I think I can!

The Boy from Virginia Recaps

When I look at Facebook photos of myself smiling all toothily, I sometimes say to myself, “that gap is too wide.” It’s a flaw I blame on genetics. Sometimes, however, I think, “ah, it’s no big deal, it’s just a gap,” and I accept the uniqueness of my grin. In regards to my career as an actor, though, I’ve never actually thought about gaps. (Well, maybe financially, but that’s to be expected, right?) Nothing has truly ever seemed out of my reach. Instead, things have just been either “right for me” or “not right for me.” There is no in-between, unless it’s being in-between jobs. That’s the only “in-between” I know.

            For the past 3 months, I’ve gone from being a working man, to being out of work, to having 3 projects. This, as I have said many times before, is the life for which I signed up. I’m no longer surprised by an empty bank account. It seems to be quite standard, actually. But, I made a vow ages ago to never be in this business for financial gain. Yes, it’s a plus to make money doing the thing you love, but my mission in art was always to redefine the image of what it means to be a black man in this world. At the end of the day, I need to make sure that people who look like me, or people who are fascinated with me, know that I’m not one “type” of man. There are no labels that fit me, except the one I so lovingly embrace on Facebook: Tommy C. I’ve spent years establishing myself as a human being first and foremost and art is just my way of giving back to the world which so inspires everything I do. Let’s recap the things I’ve done since January.


  • Made a resolution to make every day an adventure. I have been adhering to this train of thought all year.
  • Told myself to be smart and not compromise. This seems to be working well for me.
  • Been broke. A lack of funds in January spilled over into February and I was forced to use my security deposit as a rent payment.
  • Been de-friended by people on Facebook. I guess people have felt that I am not an assest to them, or they got tired of my rantings and statuses…who knows. More importantly, who cares. If you remove yourself from my life, I need to trust that decision and not try to keep you in mine.
  • Smiled despite the low points. I found that even when things are shit, good friends, music, the occasional drink, and watching TV online sure do make up for dry, dull days.
  • Starting submitting myself for castings. I understand that my agent can only do so much, and because she helps me so much, I wanted to help her as well!



  • Auditioned left and right. I had an audition for a 1930s musical revue, an all black-version of Macbeth (which I’m in), an innovative production of Little Shop of Horrors, and a play called Six Rounds.
  • Worked on new pieces. A friend of mine called me up to see if I was available to be an actor in a short play she was writing. Because she’s my homegirl, I said yes. The process is the most thrilling thing I’ve worked on since Topdog/Underdog this past October.
  • Started dating. Self explanatory (still in tune with having an adventure everyday)
  • Dealt with a very traumatic family experience which helped me learn loads about myself. (I will speak about this at a later date.)
  • Worked on motivating myself and others. In this business, actors tend to be so fucking insecure that they forget to uplift themselves and others. I’ve made it my business to be encouraging because to be honest, I didn’t get here because of negativity, but because every person I’ve ever encountered has believed in me. I want to give a bit of that back!
  • Taught. By far the most important thing I’ve done in London is teach. I taught August Wilson (as well as dialect and acting) with some students aged 18-22 and it was the best experience. These students are more professional than “professionals” I have encountered and they want to be in this business. And they are hard-working, diligent. And they remind me of the spark of hope I had when I was their age. That spark in me has never died!



  • I lost a friend to Singapore. My roommate and one of my best mates over here had to go go back home to find his dreams. I totally support him in all his endeavors.
  • I remembered my grandmother. March 2nd will always be the day that I remember getting the call, having the breakdown, and finding the strength to keep going. It is now an anniversary that I dread, but love at the same time because I get to remember my grandmother’s greatness.
  • Started rehearsals for Macbeth.
  • Got called back and casted in Six Rounds (a show that excites me)!
  • Saw my students perform August Wilson! They really did him justice. And unfortunately, that was my last day of teaching them, but they surprised me with a gift card to Selfridges!!! Now I can eat in the food court!
  • Welcomed a new roommate into my life. She’s a great addition to my life!
  • Been a bad friend. I have been neglecting a good friend, and though my reasons aren’t all too clear as to why I’ve separated myself from him, I hope that we gravitate towards each other eventually because he’s a good guy. I just think energies have pulled me in a different direction. But like all good friends, you come back  around….right?
  • Modeled clothes. That was a thrilling experience! I felt like I was able to do something I always dreamed about, but felt too average to actually do. The modeling was part of the promo for Six Rounds. Luke clothing is sponsoring the show.  For those of you who know me well, I have never considered myself model material. I am average in looks. My body is thin. I have no tone or muscle. I’m not anyone’s fantasy. The only time I actually feel great is when I wear decent clothing. So when I was at the shoot…I was wearing decent clothes (which I get to keep) all day long…therefore, I felt attractive all day long!

So there you have it…the reason why I haven’t been able to write a blog since February. I have been getting a bit of grief about my lack of consistent entries as of late, and I feel this need to say this: yes, I love writing, when I get the time to do it, but from this moment on, I can no longer classify myself as a writer. Writers wake up and think about writing, they actually write, and they can do so all day. It’s what they breathe. I breathe art, in general. Some days, I wake up with lines in my head. Some days I wake up with music playing. Sometimes, I wake up thinking of a brilliant line for a play or a great topic for this blog. I am not ONE thing! Actor, Singer, Dancer, Writer, Student, Teacher, Son, Brother, Friend, and overall MAN. These are ways I describe myself.

            In about a week, I will be turning 26. I will not enter into that year with fanfare, but instead thoughts about how I can wear these hats more effectively. How can I be a better actor, friend, family member, etc.? I will not be celebrating on my day as I will be in rehearsals. Instead, I hope that getting older makes me a bit more wiser than yesterday. More importantly, I hope to continue to have a busy career that makes me happy. I also hope that the decisions I make in the future are ones that I will never regret. This year is all about adventure and I’m going to keep exploring the world and aspects of myself that I’ve yet to discover.

The Boy from Virginia Ponders His Holiday Season

“It’s right behind you!” This is a classic term used as part of a call-and-response scheme in a pantomime. For those readers who are American and have not visited the United Kingdom during the holidays when these productions are performed, a pantomime is a fairy-tale inspired show intended for families. They are usually filled with jokes about the local area. Men sometimes dress up as women and play Dames, and women sometimes dress as men and play princes. It’s all a bit befuddling. But there’s music, some cheeky innuendo, the eventual happy ending, and everyone tends to go home in a jolly good mood (which is what people need during the holiday season, right?). So seems to be the case whenever I take a bow at the end of the pantomime I’m in at the moment: Cinderella. But while little kids are leaving the Greenwich Theatre with their flashing toys ablaze, I hastily trek it back to my dressing room, baby wipe the make-up off my face, throw on my clothes and walk briskly to the train, silently praying that the power won’t go out on my iPod.

            My days have been a bit monotonous for a long while now (give or take random night where I’ve hung out with drinking buddies). Ever since finishing my show, Topdog/Underdog (which was a tremendous professional success for me and others involved), I have switched gears majorly, from playing an eager-to-please younger sibling who kills his older brother, to playing an almost Will Smith type of ladies man in fairy-tale land who raps and does the splits. (The world of theatre is something else, isn’t it?) What these two characters have in common is the following: they both end up alone (the latter character moreso voluntarily than the previous character). What they also have in common is me, and my dedication to making them come alive.

            Since starting the rehearsal process for this Pantomime, I have had to challenge myself to bring life to someone else’s words and vision. Now, this isn’t an alien task for me in the slightest. I am very familiar with receiving a script, coming up with my idea for the character, and then blending my idea into something in which both the director and I are pleased. For this particular show, it has been me giving a whole lotta Will Smith, with some Tommy C. dancing and facial expressions. So far, this combination seems to be working as a lot of what I did in rehearsals is in the show. And funny enough, no one finds it odd that I am an American character in a very English (and sometimes Irish) show.

What has been strange, however, is being an American participating in a hugely British tradition. Seeing so many families come to see the show and then leave saying, “Now it feels like Christmas-time to me” makes me feel more foreign than I am. But feeling foreign is better than what I have been feeling lately: nothing at all. These past couple weeks leading up to Christmas, I have felt absolutely nothing; no holiday cheer, no wonder, no magic…

It’s official…Like my feelings for Love, I have forgotten how a Happy Holiday feels.

Oh, I may parade around the dressing room with a half smile (saving my outlandish one for the stage), and joke about secret Santa gifts, but at the end of the day…I am empty; devoid of all things merry, snowy, and bright (except thought, go figure).

At the end of November, I tried to get myself into the spirit by writing out Christmas cards. I got a list together of about forty-five people, and managed to send off all forty-five cards. But after sending them, I still felt nothing. Of course it would make all of my recipients very happy that I thought about them, I am sure. For me, however…I still can’t muster up enough strength to utter “Merry Christmas” believably (and I’m an actor for goodness sake).

There are reasons for my emotional vacancy…some of which I am willing to discuss openly in this blog entry and others that I still have to make sense of. One thing for me is very clear: I need to somehow convince myself that God’s love is what to strive for on this holiday. I’d written in a lot of my Christmas Cards “Remember that this holiday is about sharing God’s love.” There has to be some kind of optimism in me when it comes to this holiday, right? Maybe if I dig deep enough I can find it.

But digging seems to get me into trouble with myself. When I delve any deeper into my brain, I begin to find the problems more easily than I can find the solutions.

Problem 1: I am homesick.  This Christmas will be the fourth one that I have not spent at home with my family. It will also be Christmas number two without my Grandmother on this earth. More importantly, I finally have a decent job (for the moment) and I have still not managed to get gifts for my family.

Problem 2: My professional future is something of which I am afraid. This fall/winter season, not only have I been involved with my pantomime, but also auditions for The Lion King. I had seven auditions, six callbacks, and did not get the one role I was hoping to have: Mufasa. Granted, the casting process was out of my hands so I am not mad about it at all (I’m also a tad bit too young to basically play James Earl Jones).  But in the future of West End Theatre…there’s not a great deal of roles open for young, skinny, black males in their 20s. Will I even have work in 2011? Maybe if I create work for myself and the people who look like me…

Problem 3: Finances. (I’m not EVEN going to go into this one, but I will just say that since I’ve become an adult in the real world….financial matters are just no laughing matter.) Hoping that you can bring in some sort of income each month become the only concern.

Problem 4: I’m starting to sense a lack in kindness of people. I don’t have personal interactions with thousands of people daily, but I’m not feeling the love and general goodwill towards all mankind. I could go into detail, but let’s just say…being a commuter on the London Tube is a fine example of how detached people have become due to technology and overall fear of their fellow man.

Problem 5: (and this is a personal one)…Love. Nope, I’ve not fallen into it, nor am I trying to get out of it. I’m just trying to understand the idea of it more and more as I get older. I’m sick of people telling me that the vacancy I feel is because I’m single and haven’t allowed love into my life. That’s NOT the issue at all, actually. That is an assumption and people couldn’t be more wrong. I am of the belief that love is a choice you make, not something you have no control over. The reason that some relationships last longer than others is because people have worked hard at making it work. They put in the effort.

When it comes to me, I feel like I could give a shit about putting in the effort. Seriously, my life is fine. As a singleton, I couldn’t be having a better time. Granted, intimate times are sometimes desired, but they aren’t constantly craved. Therefore, I should be quite content with myself, right?

Well this is why I’m not. (Content, that is.)

My world was rocked (just a bit) when I was reading Simon Callow’s book, Being an Actor. During his early years as an actor, he discovered that falling in love not only opened doors to his heart, but opened him up creatively and allowed him to push his boundaries. Something about the idea of opening up the heart to let in love AND creativity is something I still need to explore. But now that the idea is in my head, it’s sparked something and I feel it’s something worth listening to; this idea of being receptive to “New-ness” in whatever form.

I mean, if I am completely honest with myself, I was receptive to the idea of leaving home at fourteen to go to Private school 12 hours away from where I was born. I was receptive to leaving my bubble of privilege to go to college in Philadelphia. More importantly, I was receptive to the idea of going to get my masters from a school in Scotland and then move to London, on my own to make things happen for myself. If I were to evaluate my history, I’ve done very well for myself, considering that only 20 years ago I was a smart little country bumpkin boy from Virginia with no cares in the world.

But the lesson, I guess is that, when I was five, I had no boundaries. The world was big, yes but it wasn’t impossible. I knew my dreams would come true. I wasn’t concerned with finding love at five (what kind of child would I have been?), but I knew I would want all the good that was to come my way. Maybe this holiday is about that goodness. Maybe I need to see goodness in order to feel something. I don’t think I can do much more except hope for goodness and love in this world, because if I can receive them (and not have any reservations about receiving what is deserved), then I might be able to have a very happy holiday…I hope.

In my Christmas attire

The Boy from Virginia Gets Better

I never know where to begin when I start writing. Sometimes, I’m blessed with an idea of a format. I sometimes know exactly what I am going to say to my faithful readers. Most of the time, I tend to write in the “free write” format. And then there are times when I completely plan out what I’m going to say because I’m sure I have something clever or witty to impart upon the masses. But lately, I’m starting to feel a little massed out.

I have not been able to write to the extent that I would like because I have (luckily) been very busy with my part time job (at LUSH again) and my budding career as an actor. As many people know, I spent the summer in Edinburgh, Scotland performing in a wonderful site specific piece called CARGO which taught me very much about myself and where I fit in this industry. The show, being my first professional show (and a very well paid one, at that) gave me a bit of direction and is responsible for my newfound ambition. I left that show knowing exactly what I wanted from my career, thanks to having made a lot of professional contacts and seeing people put in good work. To anyone involved in my CARGO experience, I thank you loads, as you have made me a better person.

Speaking of being a better person, I have been trying my best to be exactly that every single day. I came back to London with a new zest for life and an unexpected job offer. Lush Covent Garden was hiring, and I was lucky enough to just slot myself back into gear. Yes, selling soap is not my goal in life, but damn if it doesn’t pay the rent (which has gotten significantly higher since I decided to move from Stratford to Clapham in South London). Of course, I would see some old faces, but the newer faces were just as welcoming and I am very sure that I have made a couple friends for life from this shop. Moving on…

September began with a casting call for a Nokia viral with up and coming directors, The McHenry Brothers. More auditions would follow, but none would be as memorable as the one I had for a play which seemed so promising. The whole experience taught me that as long as you do your personal best, you will be rewarded, even it’s it isn’t in the most obvious way. Here’s the scenario (for you actors/actresses out there, pay attention):

I went to an “urgent” casting call because they were looking to replace an actor who was no longer available. For me that meant being able to go in and do a cold reading (which is a skill I rock like no other). For those who are not familiar with that phrase, cold reading is basically reading/acting a script without having any prior knowledge of it nor any time to properly prepare it. I read the script and could tell that the director and producer were pleased with my performance. After asking me if I would be available for rehearsals the next day, and if they could contact my agent, they gave me the script to take home and I was feeling more than excited. There was a chance I would get to originate a role and possibly get reviewed for it! Amazing!!! But then…the sun went down that day…and I’d heard nothing from my agent. Strange….

The next morning…I figured ‘I’ve still heard nothing. I’m going to take a trek down to the theatre. Maybe they’ll be expecting me.’ (I mean…I DID rearrange my work schedule for them, putting my bosses in disarray for a bit) So I arrived at the theatre…and could tell immediately that I wasn’t the actor they excpected. In fact, I was rushed out of the room before making too much contact with the performers in the room so that the producer could tell me “I’m sorry, but you didn’t get the part.” (yes, he made the obligatory face that accompanies a person who has to give bad news…”the ooooo and the wince” and I didn’t even feel rage…well not immediately. I felt shock first.) After informing him that no one told my agent that I wasn’t the “selected” one, he apologized profusely saying that she should’ve been contacted. I was then told, basically, that there was someone better than me who came in and was exactly what they were seeking (and I thought to myself wow…if only dating was this direct, then most people’s time wouldn’t be wasted.) After that embarrassing fiasco (or let’s call it “misunderstanding” to be fair) I somehow managed to walk back to the London tube with my head held high (it was a sunny day after all) and my thoughts in order.

No soon as my train departed from the station, however, my thoughts turned into a jumble of porridge mush in my head and I started feeling a bit worthless. I knew the feeling wouldn’t last, but dammit, I felt inadequate and I was gonna ride that negativity out until it left my system completely. (Thanks to my Lush employers for allowing me to, once again, rearrange my schedule and burden them with the story of my audition gone wrong). Lucky for me, I am also blessed with colleagues who believe that muffins can cure all problems….even unsuccessful auditions!

The rest of September was 1) laden with days of work at Lush, 2) making peace with a distressful yet mutual separation, 3) me getting grumpy at slow walking, hand-holding commuters who have no walking etiquette, 4) having to say goodbye to a very important friend who moved back to America.  and 5) searching for a new flat with close friends of mine. The latter proved to be the most stressful (to the point where I had the flu and a high fever while I was on the hunt for London’s Next Top Affordable Flat).  But eventually, the place that we wanted, in the perfect location that we desired, was what my friends and I ended up getting! Thank God!

Then there was the lovely Nokia N8 short film/advert I filmed with surprise leading actor Dev Patel (of “Slumdog Millionaire” fame). Not only is he the nicest celebrity I’ve met so far, but he’s very talented and professional. And yet…he’s younger than I am, and I assume more well-to-do than me, as well. But there’s no jealously here…if anything, I know (for a fact) after working with him that I want to be doing what he’s doing. So I’m going to keep fighting as hard as I can (within reason, though) to do the best I can because I’m all about making a better me right now.

Being “better” means rising to the challenges that my career and (most importantly) my life have set forth. I was blessed with the opportunity to audition for Topdog/Underdog (thanks to some very handy work done by my diligent agent), and I can now say that I am reprising my role of Booth. Having done the show once and not really feeling as if I were able to perform it to my full potential (as the circumstances around my previous performance prevented me from doing so), this second chance gives me a chance to actually give more to this role than I did before. I have been able to find some nuances that I’d missed before. I have also realized that though I thought some things about the character before, I’ve discovered more about him since the first time and my interpretation of him has grown. The challenge now is to make this guy believable and to tell his story as best as possible. I am so taken with playing this role because I know for a fact that this story is one that would never really get told, and to have it written and scripted in such a beautiful and particular way, it widens the perspective of the audiences who get to see it, much like how the film Precious touched ALL people regardless of race, culture, economic status, etc. It was a universal story and I’m proud to be a part of that.

Basically, at the end of the day, I live to tell a story, whether it is my own or whether it means helping someone else’s come to life. All experiences and emotions are quintessentially human and as a human being in this world, I can only do my best to make sure I live my universal life as best as humanly possible.

My face on a flyer (for the first time!)

The Boy from Virginia Encounters the “N”

(Due to the severity of the following blog topic, I will resume my “Unforeseen” series at a later date.)

            “Nigger.” The word has been in existence for quite some time, as many people around the world know. I shouldn’t have to go into the historical background of it, or the ramifications of white folks or even black folks using the word. I will say this, however; the word hasn’t been a part of my vocabulary for some time. I do not use the word in order to maintain “ownership,” nor do I use it to describe my fellow brother. But tonight, the word was used to hurt (or try to at least). Here’s a play-by-play of what happened about 4 hours ago.

            After finishing a great night of this outdoor spectacle show I’m in at the Edinburgh Fringe festival called CARGO, my roommate (a young black male actor from Birmingham) and myself proceeded to walk down Leith Walk back to our digs. I, of course, got hungry and decided I wanted sticky toffee pudding, which my roomie agreed could be appetizing. So we decided to go eat instead of heading home and as we were confirming this decision and chatting about how tired he was and how hungry I was, I noticed something out of my periphery.

I knew shit was going to start even before we walked into and out of it. It’s like a having a spidey sense…sometimes you just know when people are looking to aggravate you. (If you were ever a target for anything growing up, this feeling always sticks with you) I clocked the following: a group of drunken Scotsmen, standing outside of a pub, smoking and grumbling in the garbled and chewed dialect that is Scots. It was as if they were waiting for this moment to arrive: two black men to say it to, finally! I watched the eldest looking man target us with his drunken eyes. I watched the mischief grow in his face, and I swear, it was as if he was preparing to recite Shakespeare. He took a huge breath and belched out the infamous word; a word that carries with it so much  historical oppression, and yet simultaneously carries nothing except the value one gives it:


The inebriated din coming from the surrounding Scotsmen came to a halt as they watched us and waited to see how we’d respond. My roommate and I continued walking (because honestly, I didn’t have time to curse at, or try and educate these ignorant motherfuckers. My stomach was calling me worse names for not feeding it). But then, it hit me…that situation actually happened. I tried not to acknowledge it, but then it made me sort of laugh. You see, not that I don’t take racism seriously in the UK, but compared to the history of racism in the U.S…I’m just not too bothered by stuff here. Oddly enough, I felt that if that same word was to come from an American white man, then I’d hold him more responsible. There is a history behind that word of which ALL Americans are aware. Therefore usage of that word means that someone has bad intentions. They are using this word as a means of trying to exact power, or trying to harm you, tryingto “show you your place.”

When I heard this Scottish imbecile use this word, I couldn’t help but feel as if this guy had no clue what he was saying. Yes, he knew to use the word at a black man, but I think his purpose behind using the word involved seeing how my roommate and I would respond. It wasn’t like all of his mates were using the word. Hell, if they were in on it, they might’ve sniggered or continued saying it or something. Fact is, only one person said it and he said it as if he’d been waiting all his life to finally get it out of his system. Does that make it ok? HELL MOTHERFUCKIN NO! But what should I have done?

I am not in the business of giving people what they want. That includes responses. When I worked in customer service, I would try my best to give service with a smile even when people were being ultra-rude to me. I figured this was the same kind of situation. But instead of smiling, I walked on by. What purpose would it have served me to go up to some random drunken Scot and try to educate him about who I am; to try to make him understand that his yelling of the word “Nigger” to me will never make me a nigger? At the end of the day, I know who I am and how competent I am as a human being. So I kept on stepping.

But then the paranoia started marching through my mind. (If you are a white person reading this, please do not take offense, but instead, listen because what I am going to say next is something you need to know.)

The entire time I was walking to the restaurant to get my dessert, I became more and more aware of my blackness, or shall I say my “other-ness.” For some reason, though I knew I was one of few black men in this city, that fact became more amplified. My roommate and I walked past certain pubs, that we pass every day, but I could feel eyes on me as I passed. I might have been overreacting, but after an incident like that, everyone becomes a bit suspicious to me. Why? Because, to me, that man (who some might consider brave or stupid) said what he’d been dying to say….whereas some people were probably thinking it. I don’t know which one is worse: saying it out loud or wanting to say it. Regardless, it makes me want to keep people at a distance, even though I’m fully aware that EVERYONE DOES NOT THINK THAT WAY (I wrote that in all caps just so people are clear).

What I also started noticing was something I’d acknowledged a while back, which was the fact that I must be the only Black Southern American man in the whole of Scotland. My type of black man is VERY different from a British black man. That fact aside…I was increasingly paying more attention to people who were paying attention to me and my roommate.

Once we’d reached the restaurant, and I’d tried to dismiss the event that happened further down the road, I felt like my evening of discomfort still wasn’t over. The moment we stepped in the restaurant, which was a place we’d visited before, there was a bit of apprehension, both from the wait staff, and us. I’d noticed when we came in how packed the place was, and considering the place was relatively dressy casual, I was feeling like my jeans and hoodie were not going to be all that appropriate. Oh hell, I thought, you’re just getting something to eat.

“Table for Two,” I told the waiter.

We walked in…and stood out like two random spots on an all white Dalmatian. As a friend of mine put it ever so cleverly, I was “hyper-aware” of my surroundings now. I could sense any stray movement, any distasteful looks, anything that seemed like it could be geared towards my “other-ness.” I noticed immediately, upon taking my seat, a red haired older man whose piecing gaze was fixed on me. When I looked back, he maintained the eye-contact until it seemed he was bored with me and went back to drinking his wine. Okay, I thought. I’m overreacting. Or was I?

After the waiter came to take my order for sticky toffee pudding and a vanilla toffee ice cream over a chocolate crisp cookie, I saw a woman, sitting two tables over, craning her neck almost 180 degrees to eye me. And then…when I smiled and nodded to her (my mother always said it’s not polite to stare), she turned away from me as if she too could have better things to worry about. I don’t know what upset me more, my increasing paranoia, the fact that I was still reeling over the N-word on the street, or the fact that I was like an art exhibit that no one was interested in analyzing. It was as if they’d seen what they needed to see, labeled it, and that was more satisfactory to them than the food on their plates. It goes without saying that I couldn’t fully enjoy my desserts.

To further help my paranoia, I saw one lone black man exit the restaurant. He’d been sitting waaaay at the back and I hadn’t noticed he was there). As he was walking past, I saw that same red haired older man use his laser vision to watch him from the time he got out of his seat until the time he walked out of the door. What his fascination was with him, I don’t know. But all I was feeling was uncomfortable and it wasn’t the food making me feel that way.

After waiting a day to pay our bill (we got the bill on Saturday 11: 45pm and didn’t pay til Sunday 12:10am, literally), my roommate and I headed back to the flat. While sleepiness washed over him, my mind was inundated with questions. The ones coming to the forefront the most were: Did I handle this situation appropriately? Have I responded adequately? Have I let my guard down too much? Have I become too complacent with thinking that racism wouldn’t happen to me in the UK? Has it been going on here and I just chose not to see it? Did I honestly see the UK as some Utopia where I would be immune from anything like this happening to me? Lastly, why would I think for one moment that I would be able to handle racism here in the UK? Was it because I considered people here to be tamer? 

A lot of thoughts have gone through my head behind this and I cannot answer any of them with one distinct answer. All of my answers need explanation and what does make my life more difficult is not knowing who to talk to about it.

Secret: Race is a topic I have avoided talking about while here in the UK. One, I’ve not had to truly deal with anything as outlandish as this. Secondly, The racism here has never been directed at me. The last time I was called the N-word was when I was a student at Milton Academy, and even then, the coward said it on my voicemail. (That story is an extremely long one from my past) However, I felt that I could take action then. I felt I could find a way to educate the young bigot who called me out of my name and have him learn the ramifications of using such a hateful word.

 There on the street on Edinburgh…I had no such power. I had two choices: confront this man, or move on…and I moved on. I didn’t “remove and assess” as I usually do…I just kept going. Maybe that’s the only thing I can do, despite the circumstances. But I still wonder, was I a coward for letting someone verbally get me underfoot? Or should I take pride in knowing that I have the spiritual upper hand at the end of the day?

A message scrawled on an Edinburgh wall.hateful message found on same wall in EdinburghHateful message found on same wall in Edinburgh

The Boy from Virginia and the Unforseen (Part 1)

As soon as it happened I wanted to run for a mirror. I heard the clink, and used my tongue to taste what felt like something chalky on the back on my front tooth. This cannot be happening, yo, was the first thought to come to mind. I mean, I didn’t think there would be blood, but I felt like maybe, there might be visible wreckage. And if there was visible wreckage, then my dreams of doing a Crest commercial would be out of reach forever…  and all because I’d chipped my tooth on a 69 pence, clay coffee mug. Really, though? What kind of story is that to tell: “Actually, a cheap ass mug took out my tooth while I was in rehearsal for the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Isn’t that funny?

Some of my female cast-mates approached me mentioning that they’d heard the tooth and mug connect (was it THAT loud?) and wanted to see the damage. I kept my hands over my mouth (think Miss Celie in The Color Purple, but without the grin) very afraid that if I took them down, everyone’s faces around me would contort from caring and concerned to wowed and wincing.  I wasn’t ready to deal with that. But more importantly, I wasn’t prepared for the possibility that I might have ruined the one good thing about me: my smile. But since there are a lack mirrors in the warehouse where our rehearsals take place, I had to stop mentally screaming Ohmigod and drop my hands and ask very carefully, “Can you see it?”

            Fortunately, my mind made matters much worse than they were. The tooth, which in fact is definitely chipped (there goes my smiling career), is only chipped in a place you cannot see it: on the rear of the tooth, yet the collision happened in the front. I don’t understand how that could’ve happened, but hey, at the end of the day, it could’ve been much more dramatic. So I can smile, at least, but every time my tongue touches the back of my tooth, I am reminded of what I will now call the “tea cup accident.”

            The issue here is that I could not prepare myself for the events of today. Yes, it is a lesson that everyone is taught, and it is a phrase that many people hear multiple times in their lives. Most of the time that phrase is related to losing a loved one or bankruptcy, but we never attribute it to small things in our lives, or to positive things. With small things, like a tooth for example, we are told to let it go and it will heal over time (ha!). With positive things…we forget that we cannot plan for those either. You can try hard as you might to have good things happen to you, but like babies and other “tea cup accidents” of our lives, they can sometimes be just as unexpected.

May 2010

            I’d made the mistake of going shopping at a store and suddenly found myself flirting with staff there.  Upon second visit, and a couple text messages, it was understood that a coffee date might take place. Four hours after second visit,  I got a cancellation of the worst kind: “I’m actually married, I thought you noticed my wedding ring!” Well since I tend not to look down when I’m looking into someone else’s eyes, I guess that little (LARGE) detail sparkled just below my sightline. Initially, I felt embarrassed beyond belief and even admitted it. Then suddenly, I felt anxious as if thousands if people knew that I’d fucked up. Next thing I knew, I was feeling like crap. In my mind I thought, “Are you kidding me? I never pursue, I never date, and the second I try to hook something up as simple as a coffee date, I fail to the highest degree because I wasn’t observant enough?” I felt stupid, which is not a trait I’d like being associated with the Tommy C. brand. How was I to recover from such a mishap? In trying to find a solution to the mistake, I ended up inside my head (which for me is a bad thing especially in moments of self-doubt). 

            I’d begin to question my worth.  More importantly, I started questioning if I was worth knowing. If I could make such a mistake as to fancy (my favorite British term) someone with a wedding band, then what other blunders would I make? I dug deep and ended up sending a message to my Facebook friends asking them what they thought of me. Some told me what they thought, others didn’t. Maybe they didn’t have time, or maybe they weren’t ready to be honest with me, but those who did answer the question had loads to say. It made me realize 1) most people never actually say how they feel about each other in a tactful manner and 2) that like my tea cup accident, I wasn’t prepared for some of the responses. The amount of respect that I now have for those who responded is immeasurable because they told me the truth when I most needed it.

             A couple days later, I got something else I needed: a much desired ego boost.  After my wedding ring fiasco, one of my good friends suggested we hang out so that I could bring myself out of the dark hole I’d climbed into. Karaoke was his drug of choice and funny enough, the performer in me overruled the somber version of me and I agreed that I wouldn’t back down without a good sing!

            After meeting up with a couple of his mutual friends, I sat still feeling completely bewildered at my combination of embarrassment and stupidity from the days before. People were creating a cacophony of wrong notes around me and I couldn’t escape the din in my head. Then…I began a conversation about a passion of mine with someone new. I discussed writing and what it meant to me, which lead to discussion about my career, and then to a conversation about myself…and next thing I knew, I was intellectually attracted. I would come to find out that the feelings were mutual that next day. (…and unfortunately, readers, that’s as far as that story will go for the moment).

Fast forward to later in that week (as the above happened on a Sunday). On that Thursday, I got a call from the woman who would soon be my new director. She told me that she enjoyed my audition for her show Topdog/Underdog, and would be thrilled to have me on board as Booth! My heart leaped into my throat, but I gulped it back down to let her know that I would be happy to be on board. My history with that show went back to my senior year of high school and to work on the show, unpaid or not, was something I wanted to be a part of, period! Part of me knew that I rocked my audition for the show, but to get the part of Booth was unexpected for sure.

And there would be more moments like that to follow, such as getting a call that next week to say that I was cast in a music video for an actress turned pop singer here in the UK or being an extra in a film by a director who I’ve wanted to work with for the past 2 years, booking a gig as a model for banking brochure, or most importantly, being called for my first big paying gig of the year, which is the show I’m a part if right now here in Edinburgh, Scotland.  And the funny thing is, when things happen unexpectedly, they can catch you off guard a bit and throw your life off kilter…even the good things…

The Boy from Virginia…Breathes

The only thing that woke me up this morning (besides one of my roommates dropping something on the floor) was the sound of my telephone. It was a call seeing if I would like to come in and work on my day off and for once, I said, “No. Not today.” For some, saying “no” is such an easy task that they don’t have to think about it. Today was the only day I didn’t find giving a yes/no answer too complicated. For weeks now, I have been working my ass off doing overtime (because, like many, I would love a day where my bank account doesn’t border on zero). The shifts have been great, and so have the people I’ve worked with, but on Saturday, when I made the decision to work from 9am ‘til 9pm (might I remind you-on a Saturday?!?), I needed to take a step back. How much is this hard work paying off? And why am I so pissed at the fact that I feel like I’m putting more time into my day job than into my career? More importantly, why don’t I feel like I’m taking enough steps to get to where I need to be?

A couple weeks ago, I caught word of a friend who was cast in a major show here in London. Not only am I proud of him, but I can also confirm that his skills are definitely West End, and Broadway worthy. I knew for a fact when we graduated that he would be among the first to book something quite phenomenal. But in looking at how much I believed in his ability to be great, I think I began to doubt my own abilities.

Yesterday I had a talk with someone I consider to be my brother. I told him flat out, ”I know that my skills are decent. I know can do what I need to do to make it, but I am beginning to think that I‘m not West End worthy.”

Ok…now where in the hell did this train of thought come from? And why was I contentedly sitting in the caboose? Not West End worthy? I had to sit for a minute and think of things I’ve done in the past:

  • I did a workshop called “Best Friends and Butterflies.” I played a caterpillar that had to learn how to fly. People laughed, and they definitely cried. LESSON: My acting affects people.
  • I sang “If I Can’t Love Her” from Beauty and the Beast during a master class. I sang. I made some of my classmates cry. I had what we call an acting “breakthrough.” LESSON: My singing affects people.


So…survey says: Tommy’s is talented enough to act alongside the masters (being a master himself).

But I still haven’t discerned how this blotch of negativity manifested itself. Could it be from my excessive thinking (something that I will continue to do until my time of earth ends)? Or does it stem from the following:

Last week, I had 4 auditions and a callback. One of my auditions on Wednesday was hideous. I forgot every word to one of my audition songs, but yet, I was shown some pity (some SERIOUS pity) and the casting director decided to send me some materials to learn for a callback. On Friday, however, I went into an audition for one of my favorite shows. I have never had so much fun in an audition. I sang my heart out, was quite confident and secure. And I could actually see the audition panel physically relax and listen to me. Hell, I danced during the instrumental bit. One of the women in the room was even bobbing her head to the pop tune I was singing. Then I got the news that upped the ante a bit.

The panel was only looking to cast one guy and considering there are, like, 6 roles, I hadn’t a clue which role they were looking for.

I knew for a fact that on that particular day, only about seven to eight guys were auditioning, including myself. I took a deep breath, inhaled the information, and exhaled defeat. If anything I knew that I enjoyed myself in the audition (considering it was a show I didn’t think I would be seen for), and to be honest, even if I wasn’t cast, I thought that I at least deserved a callback. A callback would show me that I was considered, at least. Or so goes my reasoning. And THAT, my dear readers is when the insecurity train decided to depart from its invisible location right into my brain.

It has been a week since my Wednesday audition and I have still not received any materials. I keep thinking that maybe the casting director changed her mind. Maybe she thought, well if he couldn’t hold it together in here, then maybe he won’t be able to hold it together onstage. But that would be ridiculous because after my audition, she assured me that she knew I was nervous and that it’s ok to be nervous. Hmm…

Then there is the show I REALLY wanted. The Friday one…from which I’ve heard absolutely nothing. Now, yes, I know that sometimes it takes a while for people to get back to you, but I’m just hoping they haven’t casted the show without doing a callback. But yet, if they have done callbacks…then that means I wasn’t called…which for me, means I wasn’t considered and therefore am not worthy of the West End stage. (This is how insecurity works people. It makes us analyze all of the stupid, miniscule things and causes us to use the law of syllogism in the most inappropriate way). Here’s the thing. I don’t know an actor who doesn’t think this way. If there is one out there who actually DOESN’T take not being called back to heart, then he/she is not all that concerned with his/her career.

Part of our careers as actors is to make sure we get a second chance (as auditions aren’t enough time to get to know someone). Most auditions are 2-5 minutes long. And the pressure is on us to “give it all we got” in the shortest amount of time possible. Not only that, we have to be RIGHT for the role. Sometimes, we discover that we might not get called back because we are too young, too thin, too fat, too old, too something or not enough of something…and this is what we have to live with everyday. Until an actor books something, he has to try to remain optimistic while others are constantly saying “you don’t fit in here.” It is very much like being in high school again, but reputation isn’t on the line as much. Emotional and financial survival, however, is.

But until I hear any news, I am left in limbo. Or I will have to accept that it doesn’t matter how much of your best foot, you put forward…it will take years to be considered properly. But I doubt there are many actors in my same predicament (i.e, the “American in Europe” situation).

Most people think I’m over here in the UK, just living it up, performing and auditioning and getting what I want. Truth is…I am on so much borrowed time, it’s not funny. I have until December of 2011 to book something huge. Otherwise, I have to go back to America and start this whole networking process over. I will have to re-establish myself at home and hope that someone wants to take a risk on me (even though there will be thousands of people who look like me and who are more talented that I am). If I think things are difficult here in London, I’m sure they are 100 times more so at home in the U.S.  So I ask my readers to forgive my anxiety and “woe is me” attitude sometimes, but my mind is on my career, like, the bulk of the time. And when you’re on limited time, things become a bit more urgent.

            But the lesson I’m learning (because for some strange reason…when things don’t work out the way we want, some unwritten rule says there’s a lesson to be learned), is that even when things are urgent…I need to take time and do what I always do anyways: REMOVE and ASSESS. I remove myself from a situation before it gets any worse, and assess what steps I need to take next. There are many things I can do to make myself better, get myself seen, blah, blah, blah. But at the end of the day…I will still see something that can be improved upon. In this way…I am either my own enemy (because I am too hard on myself), or my own best friend (because I choose to make myself better). I don’t know about any of you out there, but I will continue to be hard on me because it keeps others from feeling as if they have the power to do so. I will also look for ways to further my progress. Just because I have a time limit, doesn’t mean things won’t happen for me. I just gotta breathe.

The Boy From Virginia Turns 25

If memory serves me correctly, I was born at 10:29 at night on April 2, 1985. However, most people credit a birthday to the actual day of it rather than to the exact hour of birth, so I get the 2nd (although I should be celebrating from around 10:30pm on the 2nd until 10:30pm on the 3rd). Twenty-five years later, I make personal history by writing this blog, a piece of work that will help me begin my quarter center year. If I am allowed to sit back and think of ALL the experiences I have had that have gotten me to this point in my life, I wouldn’t be able to summarize them all. There are vivid moments I remember from my childhood right up to last week, even. Most events are positive, some are sad. Lots are humorous…but the majority of my life has been filled with thoughts. So many thoughts that I have to ask have I spent all of my life thinking? My actions would lead others to think contrary…but sometimes, I do wonder…

            At the present moment, I am sitting here thinking about how cerebral I can make this blog. Is it time for me to finally use the skills I once mastered and write a coherent blog, or is it cool that I change the format a bit? Does life ask for coherency? Am I at the point where I’d like to experiment with my personal format? I am blessed to have reached this point and not experienced jail, or being labeled a baby’s daddy. (However, I have been labeled other things that make being a “baby’s daddy” much more desirable). Though I have made it to this point in my life (i.e living in London, England, pursing my dream, and breaking so many stereotypes, it’s not funny), I still have yet to figure myself out. Ok…let me clarify this a little bit. I know WHO I am, but I have yet to figure out HOW and WHY (and sometimes WHAT) I am.

            Twenty-five years old…and no clue as to my purpose in life…or whether or not I will be capable of making someone happy (that is not restricted to the “love” sense). I possess all the characteristics of a stable human being (who has his occasional frustrations with the minor details of the world, in some shape way or form), but I still fear major things.

I am afraid of failing my family. (So many others fit the bill of doing that that I CANNOT be added to the list). I would hate to disappoint my mother in the slightest bit. I’d never forgive myself if I wasn’t a good role model to my brother and sister. On an even more personal note…I’d hate to hurt another person’s feelings unintentionally, though I think I have done so many times before. More importantly, I’d hate to think I’m not working hard enough, therefore thwarting my own chances at success. Where are these thoughts coming from? Let’s back track.

On Tuesday morning, I awoke to ants crawling over my dresser, floor, and one even made a cameo on my pillow. (This was due to me spilling a teeny bit of apple juice the day before.) I immediately woke up and started cleaning as if I don’t do enough of that. Then, after looking into new theatrical opportunities, I was faced with some serious decision making (which involved my method of removing myself from a situation and assessing it before doing something I’d regret) That decision, including the circumstances around it filtered into my work that day and I felt useless and as if I wasn’t doing a good job at managing my life. Even more so (and unfortunately) I was losing my faith in my abilities as a human being. What do I bring to the table? Am I effective? Why can I express myself on paper, but am soooooooo afraid to open up to people who love me and care about me? Why do I self-depreciate all the time? Why do I push people away so damn much? What keeps me secretive about certain things in my life? Why don’t I trust that there are some good people out there in the world who will not harm me or cast their rod of judgment upon me? When did the idea of love start to repulse me?…and so on and so forth…(see where the mind takes you when you spend your life thinking too much?)

There are so many questions I have yet to answer in my life…but for the ones that are up here…I know the answer to them all. For many of the questions I ask myself, I always know the answers. I self depreciate because I don’t think I’m better than anyone else… I think I’m quite average (yet, I do know that I am not typical). I push people away because he moment they get close I am bound to hurt their feelings or vice versa and I don’t like being angry with people or having people angry with me. (Besides, I am very afraid of what might happen if someone effectively pushes my buttons.)  I am so secretive about my life because so many people volunteer their information and get mad when people are in their business. Personally, while everyone is being “generous” with the sordid details of their lives, I feel I need to keep something to myself, and if that includes keeping mum about the things most people ache to know about…so be it (and fuck off…read a gossip column cause you ain’t gonna get no ammunition here)! I don’t trust that there are good people about until they prove it to me. My motto since college has been “you are guilty until proven innocent.” Basically, if your first impression was actually unsuccessful and you have managed to sway my vote, then you might be allowed on board the Tommy train. (And trust me; this is a good train to be on!)

When it comes to…love…well…that’s a whole ‘nother blog entirely and if I feel so compelled, I will explain. But in a nutshell…too many people relish in the idea of love and I’ve not see what genuine love looks like. It is not in a look or a glance (as books and cliché’s say), or even in the touch of a hand. Those are the things that repulse me about love…the mere announcement of it and all the superfluous fanfare. Love doesn’t have to make itself clear or manifest in traditional ways…that’s about all I will say about that for now.

 I guess one would say that I am simply self-aware…but I think there is a more accurate word for what I am;  “ME,” maybe? (My friends are always saying…“you’re just so…YOU! You’re soooo Tommy!”) My page of the day calendar has the following word listed for today: virtuoso. It means “a person skilled in the fine arts.  Or it can mean “one who excels in the technique of an art or other endeavor, especially: a highly skilled musical performer. (This may seem made up, but this is ACTUALLY what is listed for today. By the way, thank you David Fearns for my calendar; you actively listen to me). Maybe there are no words to describe me and that I will have to accept. Just like I will have to accept that I will disappoint people, but I can’t take it out on myself. People are and will be attracted to me and that’s ok. I shouldn’t run away from people who want to know me, unless I sense deception/shiftiness in their spirit (Yes, I can do that). Essentially, I must continue to do what I have been doing since it’s not been going too badly thus far. If I ain’t broke…I shouldn’t fix me. To be honest, maybe God already has me fixed and whatever else is broken I’ll leave to Him.

I will now end this blog with the text of the Mahogany card my mother sent me for my birthday (which put me in tears because she is the most important woman in my life, hands down, point blank, PERIOD!):

“Son-When I call you my “baby,” you’re probably thinking “Aw come on, Mama! Because you’re a strong man now. But I was blessed to carry you close to my heartbeat for nine months and loved you before I even knew you…

From the moment I set you on your feet, you’ve stood solidly on the ground, growing in power and confidence with the strength to let others lean on you when they’ve needed to. Even me. I’m so proud of the man you are and who you have become.

You’re  the son of my spirit and of my heart. You will always be “my baby” and a fine man. Happy Birthday!”

Yes, Momma…Happy Birthday indeed!